Ishtiaque is currently a Ph.D. student in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at the University of Michigan. He writes, “I am delighted and grateful to learn that I have been selected as a recipient of the John B. Fenn, Sr. Foundation Endowed Scholarship. I express my earnest gratitude for your generous financial support toward my scholarly ambitions.”

“My research endeavor and vision encompass the epitaxy and functionalization of nanomaterials for artificial photosynthesis and optoelectronics device applications. For such applications, III-nitride semiconductors like GaN, InN, and their alloys InGaN have drawn substantial attention for their direct and tunable energy bandgaps as well as structural stability. Developing high-quality semiconductor material involves using vacuum and ultra-vacuum coating systems. While working on the material synthesis in such projects during my Ph.D. study at the University of Michigan, I developed an avid interest in vacuum coating instruments like molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), atomic layer deposition (ALD), and electron-beam evaporator. My research will eventually provide a scalable and stable platform for low-cost green energy production and help realize the ultra-small next-generation display technology. Your support will enable me to enhance my knowledge related to my research, which requires a wide span of expertise from nanoscale fabrication to computation. As such, I strongly believe that your financial generosity will greatly help me continue my research contribution by applying vacuum coating technologies to eventually bolster my chance of securing a prolific academic or industry position.”