April 30, 2023

2023 Clark and Karen Bright Endowed Scholarship Honoring Angus Macleod awarded to Thanh Tran at Michigan State University

Thanh is currently a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. Thanh writes, “I have been focusing intensively on vacuum coating technology, especially DC and RF sputtering, for my graduate research. I have been using multiple sputtering systems such as Denton Vacuum Explorer and Kurt J. Lesker Company® PVD 75 PRO Line for studying ion source enhanced deposition of indium tin oxide (ITO), tantalum doped tin oxide (TTO), silver ultra-thin film, alumina thin film, and sandwich structure of these films.” 

“I appreciate the generosity of the Clark & Karen Bright Endowed Scholarship honoring Angus Macleod. This Scholarship is significant to my academic career, and it acts as a certificate of my commitment to vacuum coating technology and helps recognize me in the vacuum coating society. The Scholarship also encourages me as it shows that what I am working on is meaningful in vacuum coating society and supported by the society. Besides that, the Scholarship will provide me with financial aid to attend SVC Conference, where I can present and update my work to interested people. That is where I can make connections and expand my research networks. Thank you once again!”

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