Ufuk Kilic, a PhD student at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, is recipient of the 2021 John B. Fenn Sr. Endowed Scholarship from the SVC Foundation.

Ufuk writes “My sincere gratitude to you for making the John B. Fenn, Sr. Foundation Endowed Scholarship possible. I am deeply appreciative of your support.” “My ultimate goal is to pursue a career either in academia or in the R&D units of nano-photonics industry. Hence, I certainly believe that this valuable recognition will have a significant positive influence on the next step in my career path. At a more personal level, this scholarship will increase my confidence and enhance my resilience.”
“My research topic is to investigate the opto-plasmonic properties of subwavelength scale periodic nanostructures a.k.a. metamaterials.” “Exploring how plasmonic nanoantennas and metasurfaces can affect the light matter interactions at the nanoscale provides useful roadmaps for how some of the quantum and nonlinear features of light can be engineered by these special platforms. I am mainly investigating the opto plasmonic properties of spatially coherent, super lattice type heterostructure thin films fabricated by using glancing angle deposition and atomic layer deposition techniques.”